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Bitweasil lead developer going to Demonstrate an open source Tool called "Cryptohaze" at DEF CON 20. The Cryptohaze Multiforcer supports CUDA, OpenCL, and CPU code (SSE, AVX, etc). All of this is aimed at either the pentester who can't spray hashes to the internet, or the hacker who would rather not broadcast what she obtained to pastebin scrapers.
"Yes, that's 154B - as in Billion. It was done entirely with AMD hardware, and involved 9x6990, 4x6970, 4x5870, 2x5970, and 1x7970 - for a total of 31 GPU cores in 6 physical systems." BitWeasilposted.
WebTables is a new rainbow table technology that eliminates the need to download rainbow tables before using them, and the new Cryptohaze Multiforcer is an open source, GPLv2, network enabled platform for password cracking that is easy to extend with new algorithms for specific targets.
Bitweasil Bitweasil is the primary developer on the open source Cryptohaze tool suite, which implements network-clustered GPU accelerated password cracking (both brute force & rainbow tables). He has been working with CUDA for over 4 years (since the first public release on an 8800GTX), OpenCL for the past 2 years, and enjoys SSE2 as well. Bitweasil also rescues ferrets.
Cryptohaze tools are aimed at providing high quality tools that run on any platform - Windows, Linux, or OS X. The tools run on all platforms that support CUDA or OpenCL (currently Windows, Linux, OS X). If you don't have a GPU - the OpenCL code will run just fine on your host CPU!
The releases are now combined into single releases. As an example, on a list of 10 hashes, the Cryptohaze Multiforcer achieves 390M steps per second on a GTX260/216SP@1.24ghz card. On a list of 1.4 million hashes with the same card, performance drops to 380M steps per second. This is the password stepping rate - not the search rate. The search rate is 380M * 1.4M passwords per second!
The latest version of the Cryptohaze Multiforcer can be download from here.
BitWeasil 将领导开发人员在 DEF CON 20 演示一个名为“Cryptohaze”的开源工具,Cryptohaze Multiforcer 支持CUDA、OpenCL与CPU指令(SSE、AVX等)。他的目的是为了解决Pentester不能破解互联网中的Hash,或部分黑客不愿放出他们所搜集的信息。
WebTables是一个新的彩虹表技术,免除了在一般情况下在使用前需要先下载彩虹表的麻烦,除此之外,Cryptohaze Multiforcer 还是一个采用 GPLv2 协议的开源项目,由于它有非常易于扩展的平台,你可以轻松开启新算法以针对特定目标进行网络密码破解。
Bitweasil 是开源工具 Cryptohaze 的主要开发者,他实现了网络集群GPU加速破解技术(包含暴力破解与彩虹表破解)。此前的约4个年头中他始终工作在CUDA上(自从第一次8800GTX发布以来),在过去的两年中它主要使用OpenCL与SSE2,除此之外,Bitweasil 还参加救援雪貂的志愿活动。
Cryptohaze 项目旨在提供一个能在任何平台(Windows、Linux或OS X)上运行的高品质工具。这些工具将在所有平台上支持 CUDA 或 OpenCL,如果你没有GPU也不要紧,OpenCL代码货很好的运行在你的CPU上。
作为一个具有10个Hash值列表的例子,Cryptohaze Multiforcer 能在GTX260/216SP@1.24ghz显卡中爬出390万/秒的速度,在具有140万个Hash值的列表中,性能下降到380万/秒,但需要我们注意的是,这是密码的步进速度,而不是搜索速度,它的搜索速度可以达到532万亿条/秒!
[最新版本的 Cryptohaze Multiforcer 可以从这里下载