- <" CODEPAGE="936"%><!--#include file="conn.asp"--><!--#include file="sub_top_foot.asp"--><%
- dim idd
- idd=trim(request("id")) ‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’ 无过滤
- if idd="" then
- call errbox("无效的参数传递","","","","")
- end if
- set rs=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
- rs.open "select * from lxscms_i where shenhe=1 and id="&idd,conn,1,3
- if rs.eof and rs.bof then
- call errbox("您所查找的信息不存在","","","","")
- else
- if rs("hits")=0 or rs("hits")="" then
- rs("hits")=1
- else
- rs("hits")=rs("hits")+1
- end if
- if rs("uurl") <> "" then
- response.Redirect ""& rs("uurl") &""
- end if
- sub_top_foot.asp
- sub errbox(boxvalue,boxurl,box1,box2,box3)
- if boxvalue = "" then
- boxvalues = ""
- else
- boxvalues = boxvalue
- end if
- if box1 = "1" then
- boxurls = boxurl
- else
- if boxurl = "" then
- boxurls = "history.go(-1);"
- else
- boxurls = "window.location.href = '"& boxurl &"';"
- end if
- end if
- if box1 = "1" then
- response.write "<style>body {background:#fff;margin:auto;text-align:center;}.box1 {line-height:32px;font-size:14px;margin:60px;clear:both;}</style><div class='box1'>"& boxvalues &"<br /><a href='javascript:history.go(-1);'>后退至上一页</a> <a href='"& boxurls &"'>继续操作下一步</a></div>"
- response.end
- else
- response.write "<script>alert('"& boxvalues &"');"& boxurls &"</script>"
- response.end
- end if
- end sub
- Dim Fy_Url,Fy_a,Fy_x,Fy_Cs(),Fy_Cl,Fy_Ts,Fy_Z'
- On Error Resume Next
- Fy_Url=LCase(Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING"))
- Fy_a=split(Fy_Url,"&")
- redim Fy_Cs(ubound(Fy_a))
- On Error Resume Next
- for Fy_x=0 to ubound(Fy_a)
- Fy_Cs(Fy_x) = left(Fy_a(Fy_x),instr(Fy_a(Fy_x),"=")-1)
- Next
- For Fy_x=0 to ubound(Fy_Cs) Fy_cs(0) =id
- If Fy_Cs(Fy_x)<>"" Then
- If Instr(LCase(Request(Fy_Cs(Fy_x))),"'")<>0 or Instr(LCase(Request(Fy_Cs(Fy_x))),"and")<>0 or Instr(LCase(Request(Fy_Cs(Fy_x))),"select")<>0 or Instr(LCase(Request(Fy_Cs(Fy_x))),"update")<>0 or Instr(LCase(Request(Fy_Cs(Fy_x))),"chr")<>0 or Instr(LCase(Request(Fy_Cs(Fy_x))),"delete%20from")<>0 or Instr(LCase(Request(Fy_Cs(Fy_x))),";")<>0 or Instr(LCase(Request(Fy_Cs(Fy_x))),"insert")<>0 or Instr(LCase(Request(Fy_Cs(Fy_x))),"mid")<>0 Or Instr(LCase(Request(Fy_Cs(Fy_x))),"master.")<>0 Then
- Select Case Fy_Cl
- Case "1"
- call errbox("因为你的某些非法操作,系统已经锁定了你的IP","","","")
- Case "2"
- call errbox("因为你的某些非法操作,系统已经锁定了你的IP","","","")
- Case "3"
- call errbox("因为你的某些非法操作,系统已经锁定了你的IP","","","")
- End Select
- Response.End
程序根据name来判断 value If Instr(LCase(Request(Fy_Cs(Fy_x))),"'")<>0
如果我们对 value编码 最后会被解码 程序仍然可以检测到
通过对name id进行url 编码 i%64 首先程序会判断i%64的值
可我们只对i%64赋值 这时id的值就为空了
Exp: |